Trade and Industrial EDA

ECES905205 meeting 1

Krisna Gupta

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Your lecturer

Krisna Gupta of Politeknik APP Jakarta & Deasy Pane of Bappenas (The Indonesian Planning Agency)

  • PhDs from Crawford School, the ANU.

  • Senior fellows at Ceneter for Indonesian Policy Studies.

  • KG do first 7 meetings, DP do last 7s.

  • Reach us thru email (see Syllabus).

Today’s agenda

  • Housekeeping
  • intro on trade & industry

About ECES905205

  • Trade has been conducted since before states even a thing.

  • similarly, trade & industrial policy has been used since the state itself created.

  • We will learn why & how these policies work.

  • This course however offer a bit more practical things.

About ECES905205

  • 2 parts: theoretical & practical.

  • The theoretical use some papers & Krugman, Obstfeld & Melits (2023):

    • trade theory & policy

    • The new industrial policy

  • The practical uses various handbook & papers:

    • analytical tool like TCI, RCA, etc.

    • Real form of policies & empirics.


  • Micro & macro are assumed:
    • familiar with first & second welfare theorem
    • market failure & imperfect competition
    • growth theory in open economy
  • Be active
  • No coding practice.
  • good if you took international economics.

Learning outcome

  • Understand the principle behind the gains from trade and industrial development.

  • Able to explain various tools for the government to achieve trade and industrial policy goals.

  • Understand tools for trade and industry analytics.

  • Check out the syllabus for more info.


  • Be active

  • Be quiet

  • No presence is required

  • Food & drink is fine

  • Please interrupt me at anytime for questions


metode coverage (%)
midterm meeting 1-7 35
final meeting 8-14 35
assignment all (kinda) 30
  • Midterm and final are going to be a close book, no gadgets.

  • Slides will be enough to get an A, but optional reading is encouraged.

  • We’ll say more on the assignment later on.



Knowing my class

  • Let’s talk about your:
    • name
    • work / future work
    • what is your expectation from this course

Introduction to trade & industry

Why trade

  • There’s gain from trade from specialization (aka comparative advantage)

  • Even if a country knows how to make everything, it’s still better for them if they trade.

  • Why? opportunity cost and resource constraints.

  • Trade is also the fastest way for developing countries to catch up. Leapfrogging even!

Why not trade?

  • Trade gain does not shared equally

    • Economic transition often beneficial for 1 group at the expense of other group.
    • Trade & industrial policy often created with a specific sectors in mind (may leave other sectors in the dust.)
  • There are other goals more important than economic efficiency.

  • Blaming foreigners is always easier (they don’t affect your election)

  • Policy makers don’t understand economics.

The global trade

Global trade trend

Some misconceptions

  • Trade surplus is “good” and “competitive”.

    • BILATERAL trade surplus is “good”.
    • SECTORAL trade surplus is “good”.
  • Deficit in current account must be counteracted with trade restriction.

  • Trade is easy to manage.

  • Weak exchange rate is “bad”.

Trend in Indonesia

  • Indonesia follows the global trend.

  • Tariff reductions mostly come from FTAs.

  • On the contrary, non-tariff measures rise.

  • Good thing or a bad thing?

Course structure

  • Trade theory: the classic, the latest.

  • Industrial policy

  • Trade & industry policy tools

  • Analytics

Thinking forward

  • Use (dan empirics) untuk mendebat kebijakan.

    • Remember, most policy’s justifications are market failure.
    • analogy is powerful.
  • Keep policy objectives in mind.

    • Does it interfere with other objectives? Any better ways to get them?
  • Policies are politics & administrative processes.

Some interesting read

Beberapa postingan di blog saya yang bisa jadi pengantar:

Next week

  • Comparative advantage & Ricardian moddel